Page:Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet vol 2 (1876).djvu/19

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Departure from Din-yuan-ing — Illness of Pyltseff — Salt lake-bed of Djaratai-dabas — Mode of obtaining salt — Kara-narin-ula moun- tains — Route through the Urute country — Ascent of plateau — Excessive cold; snow-storm — Sufferings of animals — Descent to the Hoang-ho — Incursions of Dungans — Hostility of Chinese officials — Chinese soldiers — Old river bed — Wintering birds ; pheasants — Tea-drinking — Border range — Rejoin outward track — Buying argols — Temperature inside tent — Shireti-tsu — Loss of all our camels — Awkward predicament^ — Buy fresh camels — Trading caravans — Epidemic among dzerens — Argali — Arrival at Kalgan.

On the morning of October 27th we left the town of Din-yuan-ing (Wei-tching-pu) on our return journey to Kalgan. The eve of our departure we passed with our friends, the Gigen and Siya, who took leave of us with unfeigned sorrow, and invited us to return as soon as possible. We gave them our photographs, and assured them that we луоик! never forget the kindness we had received in Ala- shan. Just as we луеге on the point of starting the Lama Sordji and another official made their appear- ance, to bid us a last good-bye from the sons of the prince, and to escort us out of the town.

VOL. II. в