Page:Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet vol 2 (1876).djvu/223

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A young fat bull or a heifer is excellent eating, though inferior to the domesticated breed (sarlok); but the flesh of old bulls is intolerably tough.

We left the greater number of those we shot untouched, having no use for the meat in Tibet. The carcasses soon froze into a solid mass, the tough hide resisting the vultures and wolves. On our way back from the Blue River we saw them lying exactly as we had left them.

Ovis Poli (after an engraving in Severtsoff's 'Turkestanskiya Jivotniya').

Another remarkable animal of Northern Tibet is the white-breasted argali (Ovis Poli?), of equal size with its Mongolian congener, but differing from it in the horns, and in the white breast, which has a frill of long hairs. We first saw these sheep beyond the Burkhan Buddha, and afterwards as we penetrated farther into the country, but they are not common. The Mongols assured us that they are to be found in the South Koko-nor range, and in the Kan-su mountains near the sources of the