Page:Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet vol 2 (1876).djvu/337

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AIМАK. the word, i. 84

Ala-shan, xxix, i. 17, 25, 28, 40, 62, 72, 121, 122, 143, 153, 174 seq., 193, 221, 231-270; its mountains, i. 256-269; ii. 56, 259-266; divisions, i. 238; prince, 241 seqq.; ii. 2 seqq., 11, 13, 34 seqq.; Southern, 53, 74, 78, 123; return to, 254

Alai steppe, xxi

Alatau, ii. 236

Alexander the Great, ii. 304 seq.

Almanack, Mongol, i. 65

Altai range, i. 166

Aluin temple, ii. 104

Amban, or governor, i. 242 seqq., 247 seq.; interview with, 253 seqq.

Amitâbha, xxxv, xxxvii

Amneh (ancestors), the sacred peaks, ii. 76

Amur R. and country, i. 160, 170; ii. 57, 78, 79, 84

Anguli-nor, lake, i. 33

Antelope, steppe- (Antilope gutturosa), i. 20, 28; ii. 61; shooting, i. 29 seq.; first sight of, 31; mountain- (A. caudata), 156 seq.; black-tailed (A. subgutturosa), 197, 207 seqq.; ii. 49; orongo- (A. Hodgsoni), 187, 204; superstitions regarding, 207; horns of, 223; ata or little (A. picticauda), 187, 208 seq.

Ara-Bautu, see Bautu

Ara-mirgin-gol R., i. 168, 173

Arbus-ula range, i. 221, 257

Argali, i. 139-142; shooting, 140 seq.; its range, 142; ii. 5; the white-breasted, 201 seqq.

Arnold, Matthew, xvii

Ata-dzeren, see Antelope

Atmosphere, dryness of, ii. 36; effects of rarefied, xvii seqq., 178, 183, 305


BACTRIAN Camel, see Camel

Baga-Khatun, i. 187, 198

Baian-gol R., ii. 166, 171, 175

Baian-kara-ula range, xv, ii. 181, 221

Baikal lake, ii. 84, 281

Baldin-Sordji, i. 245 seq., 249, 250, 253; ii. I, 36, 38, 43

Bandi, a rank of clergy, i. 79

Banik-Koksum, ii. 152

Banner, legend of White, i. 204 seq.

Barkul, i. 86; ii. 69

Bargaining, dumb, i. 145, 284

Barun-kung, a territorial division, i. 144

Bashpa Lama, i. 280

Bathar-Sheilun temple, i. 155 seq., 158

Baumsteitismus, universal panacea, ii. 164 seq.

Bautu, town of, i. 158, 172; expedition enters, 174; military quartered at, 177; 183, 186, 187, 193, 195; ii. 3, 4, 10, 11, 276

Bayan Tsumbur Mt., i. 257

Bears, ii. 249 seqq.; three kinds in Russia, 251

Beggars, Mongol, i. 14; of Peking, 91

Bellew, Dr., ii. 301

Bergmann, referred to, i. 194

Birch, black, i. 7, 160; white, 7, 160, 259, 261; red-barked, ii. 78

Birds, see Ornithology

Blyth, the naturalist, referred to, ii. 146

Bodhisatvas, xxxv, i. 282

Bogdo-kuren, i. 8, 15

Bogle, i. 281, 286; ii. 300

Boots, of yak-hide, ii. 215

Boro-sondji well, ii. 271

Boro-tohoi, a. Mongol name for Ordos, i. 196