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“To bring your doubts to a conclusion,
“Says James, ken I’m a Rosicrusian,
“Ane of the set that never carries
“On traffic with black deils or fairies;
“There’s mony a sp'rit that’s no a deil,
“That constantly around us wheel.
“There was a sage, call’d Albumazor,
“Whase wit was gleg as ony razor;
“Frae this great man we learn’d the skill
“To bring these gentry to our will;
“And they appear, when we’ve a mind,
“In ony shape of human kind:
“Now, if you’ll drap your foolish fear,
“I’ll gar my Pacolet appear.”

Hab fidg’d and leugh, his elbuck clew,
Baith fear’d and fond a sp’rit to view:
At last his courage wan the day,
He to the scholar’s will gae way.

Bessy be this began to smell
A rat, but kept her mind to ’rsel:
She pray’d like howdy in her drink,
But mean time tipt young James a wink.
James frae his eye an answer sent,
Which made the wife right well content:
Then turn’d to Hab, and thus advis’d,
“Whatever you see, be nought surpris’d;
"But for your saul move not your tongue;
"And ready stand wi’ a great rung;