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‘Till I set aff the mill, syne we
Shall tak what Bessy has to gi’e,
James, in return, what’s handsome said,
O’er lang to tell, and aff he gade.
Out of the house some light did shine,
Which led him till’t as wi’ a line.

Arriv’d, he knock’d, for doors were steckit;
Straight thro’ a window Bessy keekit,
And cries, “Wha’s that gi’es fowk a fright,
“At sic untimeous time of night?”
James, with good humour maist discreetly,
Tauld her his circumstance completely.
“I dinna ken ye (quoth the wife),
“And up and down the thieves are rife;
“Within my lane, I’m but a woman,
“Sae I'll unbar my door to nae man:
“But since ’tis very like, my dow,
“That a’ ye're telling may be true,
“Hae, there's a key, gang in your way
“At the neist door, there's braw ait strae;
“Streek down upon’t, my lad, and learn
“They’re no ill lodg’d that get a barn.”
Thus, after meikle clitter clatter,
James fand he coudna mend the matter.
And since it mightna better be,
Wi' resignation took the key,
Unlock’d the barn—clam up the mou,
Where was an opening near the hou,