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“Pottage, (quoth Hab) ye senseless taw pie!
“Think ye this youth’s a gillygawpy;
“And that his gentle stamock’s master
“To worry up a pint o’ plaister,
“Like our mill knaves that lift the lading,
“Whase kytes can streek out like raw plaidin?
“Swithe roast a hen; or fry some chickens,
“And send for ale frae Maggy Picken’s.”
“Hout I, (quoth she) ye may weel ken,
’Tis ill brought butt that’s no there ben;
“When but last owk, nae farder gane,
“The laird got a’ to pay his kain.”

Then James, wha had as good a guess
Of what was in the house as Bess,
With pawkie smile, this plea to end,
To please himsel, and ease his friend,
First open’d wi’ a slee oration
His wond’rous skill in conjuration:
Said he, “By this fell art I’m able
“To whop aff ony great man's table
“Whate’er I like to make a meal of,
“Either in part, or yet the hale of;
“And, if you please, I’ll shaw my airt—”
Cries Halbert, “Faith, wi’ a’ my heart!”
Bess fain’d hersel,—cried, “Lord be here!”
And near hand fell a swoon for fear.
James leugh, and bade her naething dread,
Syne to his conj’ring went wi’ speed: