Page:Monsieur Bossu's Treatise of the epick poem - Le Bossu (1695).djvu/40

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done to my hands by several Wits of the Age: Of the rest, some I Translated my self; and others more difficult, I got an ingenious Friend of mine to turn for me.

This is all the Account I think fit to give you of my Reasons for Translating Bossu, and of the Method I have taken therein. Whatever Pains and Precaution I have us'd, I do not expect I shall please every body, and 'tis a Wonder if I should. Some will censure the Author, others the Translation, and a third sort perhaps, stirr'd up with a generous kind of Envy call'd Emulation, will either endeavour to Translate it better themselves, or else vent some new Notions of their own. However it happen, the World will be the better for it, and my Author and I shall have this Satisfaction, That the Commonwealth of Learning will be then engag'd to thank us not only for our own mean, but even for their more elaborate Productions.