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Refractory Dogs.—In a parish in Scotland, great complaints were made against the disturbances occasioned during divine service by the quarrelling, or otherwise unmannerly conduct of the dogs, when it was agreed that all those who had dogs should confine them, and not allow them to come to church. This did very well for the first Sunday or so; but the dogs not at all relishing to be locked up on a day when they were wont to enjoy themselves, were never to be found on a Sunday morning to be tied up; they, by some instinct which I cannot explain, knew the Sunday as well as their masters, and set off before them whither they had been in the habit of going on that day. It was now evident to the members of the congregation that this plan would not do, and another scheme was laid before them, which was, to erect a house close to the church, in which they might be confined during divine service. This was adopted, and a kennel was accordingly erected, in which the dogs were imprisoned; but the animals being more accustomed to freedom than to confinement, took very ill with the restraint put upon their liberty, and set up a most dreadful howling, to the great annoyance of the people in the church. They, however, persevered in confining them for a considerable time, thinking the animals would get accustomed to incarceration; but in this they were mistaken; for, instead of the howling diminishing, it got worse and worse. So it was agreed they should again be set at