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trate—Do you mean to swear informations against her? Brother—Sartainly, your Worship. The two of thim must be committed, and hanging is too good for them; shure did'nt his father say he ought to be hanged long ago? He then proceeded to lodge informations, when the brother re-appeared, and begged of his Worship to keep her over till the mornen, when they might get the boy. To this the Magistrate assented, and the loving brother departed, heaping benedictions on his Worship.

Selling a Wife.—The following, memorandum (says the Stockport Advertiser), drawn upon a 1s 6d stamp, will best explain the nature of a bargain between two fellows at a beer-shop in the Hillgate, in this town. Millward is a butcher, and was last week fined before our magistrates for using uneven balances in his trading transactions. The other persons are unknown to us.—"I Booth Millward, bought of William Clayton, his wife, for five shillings, to be delivered on the 25th of March, 1831, to be delivered in a alter, at Mr John Lomases house.

William Clayton.

Attested by three Witnesses.

A New Coat.—An Irishman vindicated the shortness of his coat by insisting, that it would be long enough before he got a new one.