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of affording us convenient opportunity of carrying on, unmolested by the encroachments of worldly care or occupation, our intercourse with our Father who is in heaven. And when the object of the institution is duly realised and appreciated, the effect is transcendently glorious and beneficial, and the end is fully accomplished. It is indeed difficult to estimate too highly the soothing and tranquillizing influence of a sabbath, upon a spirit which has been worn in the service of the world during the preceding week, into comparative numbness and insensibility to the pure and holy enjoyments of an exalted fellowship with God. It is delightful to contemp'ate it amidst the serenity of the surrounding atmosphere, composing its ruffled affections, and, like the bird of the morning, preparing to rise on its pinions, in order to meet in midway fellowship the hallowed choir above, and to pour forth its notes of praise and thanksgiving, while no jarring tumult of worldly business or delight intervenes to break their melody. On every seventh day. the impetus of earthly and carnalizing pursuits thus receives a check, and their power becomes in some degree enfeebled. The course of this world, which is so apt to carry us along in its turbid and destructive movement, is broken at intervals; which affords us time to reflect upon the peril of our condition, and to contemplate the dreadful gulf to which it conducts. By the periodical cessation from other employments, which the sabbath brings round, we are impressively reminded, that there is another and a better world; that there are higher, and weightier interests, that there are