Page:Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse.pdf/276

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But hark; a voice celestial seems to meet
My waiting ear, and my intrusion bless,
"Spread before me your wants and your distress,
Upon mine arm of strength your burdens cast,
An intercessor fills the holy place."
I come; the hour of terror now is past,
I trust thou wilt not leave me comfortless at last.

Oh! if the storms of life with bitter rage,
Upon my sad, unshelter'd head should blow,
If trembling down the cold, dark steep of age,
My weak and unsupported step should go,
My heart all sunk with weariness and woe,
Or wheresoe'er my unknown path shall tend,
Still let my bosom at thy presence glow,
Still let my ceaseless prayers to thee ascend,
And ever to my wants thy kind compassion lend.


WHILE slow and soft the evening ray expires,
And lights devotion's meek, unwavering fires,
While dark rob'd night, on her composing breast,