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was seen bending over Maddy’s body before it was found by Mr. Post—no, it was after that—but before the police saw it.”

“Well, does that mean anything?”

“I think not. The girl was frank enough about it. Yet, there are some who are ready to think she is implicated——

“In the crime? A girl?”

“Well, the Chinese servant saw her stooping there—but you’ll read it all on your stenographer’s notes. That was a good idea, Drew, to get a complete record, like that.”

“Yes, I have to have it—if I’m to help in the investigation. I can’t be going down there—I haven’t the time, nor the inclination. But, Nick, I do want to find out who killed Maddy—and yet—do you suppose it will bring about unpleasant revelations——

“Yes,” and Nelson looked at him steadily, “yes, Drew, I think it will.”

“Then shall we hush it all up?”

“You can’t. It’s not in your hands. Now, take my advice, old man; after the funeral, put Mrs. Selden away some place—you can send her off on a visit—and then let me help you cook up some plan by which you can cover up Maddy’s—shortcomings. There’s a lot you ought to know, well, never mind it now—but when the time comes, we’ll work it out together.”

“Very well,” and Barham looked stern. “I am ready to do anything to shield my wife’s name or reputation. I can’t take up the matter now, I’ve pressing engagements—but I will do just as you advise, Nick, except as to sending Mrs. Selden away. That I can’t do, unless she’s willing to go. If you can persuade her—for Heaven’s sake, do!”

Nelson went off, and Barham fell into one of the brown studies which were frequent with him of late.