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And then all thought of guilt or trouble was lost and forgotten in the blissful realization that he was her Tommy!

Was ever woman in this fashion wooed?

She wondered if any other girl in the world had ever had a proposal over the telephone. Doubtless such a thing had happened, but not like hers! She was sure that her experience was unique—and, at any rate, it made her very happy. Now, she must plan her life.

She must not be afraid of the police—Tommy had said so. She must stay right there in these same rooms—Tommy might telephone again.

But whether he did or didn’t, whether she heard from him again in a week or not for a year—she would always trust him.

For—he loved her! He had told her so. Oh—when she should see him—she’d take a sweet revenge for all this mystery!

And she was to tell the truth. This was a real relief, for Pearl Jane was not a very successful liar, and she was apt to forget and get her stories mixed up. But here after—Tommy said—she was to tell the truth—and she was not to fear.

Must she tell of this conversation with him?

That was a problem. But she fell asleep on the decision that she would tell the truth if asked—but if not, she had no intention of sharing her beautiful heart-secret with anybody just yet.

It was the next day that a man came to Andrew Barham’s house with a request that he might have an interview, if only a few moments.

Barham received him in his little library, curious to know if any news regarding the mystery might be forthcoming.