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The police agreed to this, saying they should, however, keep a close watch on Barham’s movements.

As a matter of fact, Andrew Barham was at that moment making up his mind about a very important matter.

He had divulged his secret to the detective, Lane, who had, Barham was sure, gone straight to the police with it. Also, he had told Nick Nelson, his best friend, the whole truth. There was another still who deserved to hear the truth, and to her Barham was going to tell it.

He was a little uncertain how Pearl Jane would take the story. He had deceived her, he couldn’t deny that. Would she forgive him and be friends—or, would she resent it all too much?”

At any rate, he must find out. Barham was not the sort who fears to put it to the touch to win or lose it all.

And, he concluded to himself, if she scorns me, and refuses ever to see me again—well, that’s one more death to die.

So, from his own house, and on his own telephone, he called up Pearl Jane.

“Tommy!” she exclaimed, delightedly.

“Yes, dear—Tommy. Now, I am coming to see you—and I—well I don’t know just how to say what I have to say. But, Mr. Barham will come to see you first.”

“Mr. Barham!”

“Yes, Mr. Andrew Barham. When he comes—see him—will you, Pearl Jane?”

“Why, of course—but what can he want to see me about?”

“You’ll find out when he comes. Just receive him—and, be alone, will you?”

“Yes, of course I’ll do whatever you say, Tommy.”