Page:Morley--The story of ginger cubes.djvu/27

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by the less professional agencies. Most of them are college graduates; they are so tactful and genteel that they are welcomed by the dealers as valuable counsellors and co-operators; very often they are asked to stay to supper.

The survey we conducted shows conclusively that there is going to be a big market for Ginger Cubes if they are well publicized. We drew up the inclosed printed blank and questionnaired 100 druggists in the uptown section, just as a preliminary test. I have selected the inclosed at random from the returns, to show you the kind of thing. The others are being bound in a folder, which I will have much pleasure to lay before you on your return to the office, together with a tabulated analysis.

It is a pleasure to be able to put at your disposal all the resources of Gray Matter Service.

Faithfully yours,


Technical Director, Gray Matter Advertising Service.


[Confidential Report of an interview with a druggist by a Merchandising Surveyor from the Gray Matter Advertising Agency.]


Name—Higgly-Piggly Drug Store.

Address—673 Sunnyside Ave.

Type of Store—Chain.

Party Interviewed—J. K. Liquorice, Mgr.

Subject of Interview—Ginger Cubes Canvass.

Approach talk Used—General Co-operation No. 3, as per Mr. Geniall's suggestion.