Page:Morley roberts--Painted Rock.djvu/202

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the tie-beams hung clothes of various sorts, slickers or oilskins, long boots, and some big cow-hats.

And I knew that Gillett and Weekes were having trouble. Weekes was tall and dark, and wore a beard. Some women said he was a handsome man. Men as a rule did not like him. Gillett had owned to having no love for him.

"You've brought it on yourself," said Gillett angrily, "and I'll have you know I'm City Marshal."

"Go to hell!" replied Weekes. "You can't drive me, and you bein' Marshal don't faze me worth a cent. If Habersham shows his nose here I'll kill him."

I heard that as I came in.

"Habersham's coming here with a shotgun," I cried. We heard steps even then, and I saw Weekes pull a six-shooter from his hip-pocket. With his left hand he made a motion to knock the lamp over. What happened then was so sudden and so amazing that I fell back. Before the lamp fell I saw Smith, Gillett's deputy, shift his "gun" so