Page:Morley roberts--Painted Rock.djvu/212

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I'm down on them that comes from the East, I'm down on 'em every time. So's Mr. Pillsbury, and so's Keno Gedge, and Ginger Gillett lets on he fair despises 'em. What's poison to a man like Gillett gives me indigestion."

Nobody paid any attention to Dick's avowed intention of visiting England. They didn't believe him. England was a long way off, and nothing to brag about anyhow. Everyone knew that. Pillsbury the gambler voiced the general opinion.

"What good men are left in that kentry keep on comin' away," said Pillsbury. "Statistics prove it. And the makin' of the United States was the loss of England, and we bein' made the remainder ain't worth seein'. And, moreover, I despise Yeurope, all Yeurope. There they sits in their little kentries, each howlin' he's the boss of the Universe, like rival roosters on dung piles, and here we sits lookin' at 'em and smilin', and knowin' that we could whip the lot one-handed. Oh, give us a rest about England and London, Dick, do give us a rest."