Page:Morning-Glories and Other Stories.djvu/158

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Little Bessie lay in a rocky nook,
   Alone, beside the sea,
Where the sound of ever-rolling waves
   To her ear came pleasantly.
Her face was dark with a gloomy frown,
   Tears on her hot check lay;
For a wilful, unkind little girl
   She had been that livelong day;
And had stolen here, to the quiet shore,
   To sigh and sob alone.
And to wonder how and why and where
   Her happiness all had flown.
As thus she lay, with half-closed eyes.
   Low voices reached her ear.
And laughter gay that seemed to flow
   Like ripples sweet and clear.
She looked above, she looked below
   And saw with wondering glee
Two little mermaids on the rocks,
   Both singing merrily.
One combed her long and shining hair,
   All wreathed with sea-weed bright;
The other caught the falling spray
   That leaped into the light.
Friendly and fair both faces seemed,
   With smiling lips and eyes,
And little arms and bosoms white
   As sea-foam when it flies.