Page:Morning-Glories and Other Stories.djvu/195

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Fancy's Friend.

"Ho! clumsy brown stone.
Quick, make way for me:
I'm the fairest thing
That floats on the sea,

"See my rainbow-robe.
See my crown of light.
My glittering form,
So airy and bright.

"O'er the waters blue,
I'm floating away,
To dance by the shore
With the foam and spray.

"Now, make way, make way;
For the waves are strong,
And their rippling feet
Bear me fast along."

"But the great rock stood
Straight up in the sea:
It looked gravely down,
And said pleasantly,—

"Little friend, you must
Go some other way;
For I have not stirred
This many a long day.

"Great billows have dashed.
And angry winds blown;
But my sturdy form
Is not overthrown.

"Nothing can stir me
In the air or sea;
Then, how can I move,
Little friend, for thee?"