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And ſhe to him and he to her,
And they fell all together;
What Strife, what Dirdom, and what Din,
Boards fail’d, and all fell o’er there.

The harmleſs Calf began to blate,
And Hens fell of the Flake there;
And Cappie's Calf began to raer,
The Cow pull’d up her Stake there:

Miſchieveouſly came by a Dog,
And click’d her by the Lips there;
With that the Cow did wag her Tail,
And ſhe flung up her Hips there.

But had you heard the boiſt’rous Blaws
John Bucham's Dog endured there;
Such Whanks the Trenchers took the Walls
And fearful Oath’s were ſwore there.

The Pewter Spoons were Piſtol Shot,
And Doublers they redounded;
With Bottles, Pots, and Candleſticks,
Few of them eſcap’d unwounded.

The Sparks flew from the Chimney Top,
The Country Lads cry’d Fire there;
The Barrels not held in one Drop,
Which dreſt the Meat like Mire there:

The doating Hens fell off the Baulks,
Which fifteen Days had ſitten there,
The rotten Eggs fell down with Whacks,
And Kiſtern Craggs beſhitten there.
