Page:Mosquitoes, gnats, craneflies, midges and flies of the northern states (IA mosquitoesgnatsc00knobe).pdf/43

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RHINGIA. Nose Fly.

1 R. nasica. ⅜ in.: chest gray, with white stripes: body yellow, with black stripe.


1. Ch. nitidus. ¼ in.; green bronze; chest with four coppery stripes; body with black stripes and bands; wing brown,

SYRPHUS. Hover Fly.

1. S. ribesii. ½ in.: The raspberry fly. Black and yellow.

2. S. lesueri. ½ in.: like last. but no mark on second ring of body tail-end black.

3. S. corpus. ½ in.; like last, but a dark orange shade on middle of body; lighter at sides, and one black ring more.

4. S. abreviatus. ½ in.; like last. but body very short, and no light mark between chest and body. 5. S. lapponicus. ½ in.; black and yellow; wing brown on front edge. 6. S. americanus. ⅜ in.: chest bronze green: body black, with broad yellow hands; legs rusty: wing yellowish.

7. S. concavus. ⅜ in.; like last, but chest less bright and wing not yellow.

8. S. obscurus. ⅜ in.: dark green bronze : body with triangular coppery spots.

9. S. politus. ⅜ in.: chest olive, with yellow edge and whitish middle stripe : body black, with bands and square spots.

10. S. diversipes. ⅜ in.: chest black, with yellow hairs; body black, with yellow bands.

11. S. (Platychirus) hyperborcus. 5/16 in. like the next. but brown woolly.

12. S. (Platychirus) 'quadratus. 5/16 in.; shiny bronze green; body with yellow spots.
