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knife, (but be sure not to mention for what purpose,) on going to bed stick tho knife once threugh tho bone, every night, for nine nights, in different plaees, repeating every night, while sticking the knife, these words:—

'Tis not this bone I mean to stick,
But my lover’s heart I mean to prick,
Wishing him neither rest nor sleep,
’Till he comes to me to speak.

Aeeordingly, at the end of nine days, or shortly after, ho will ask for something to put to a wound he will have met with during tho timo you were charming him.

To know whether a Woman will have the Man she wishes.—Get two lemon peels, wear them all day, one in each poeket, at night rub the four posts of tho bedstead with them; if she is to sueeeed, the person will appear in her sleep, and present her with a couplo of lemons; if not, there is no hope.

To know whether one shall enjoy their Love or not.—Take the number of tho first letter of your names, the number of the planet, and of the day of the week; put all theso together, and divide them by 40: if it be above, it will come to your mind, and if below, to tho eontrary; be particular in minding the number whieh is under 30.

To know whether a new-born Child shall live or die.—Write down tho proper names of the father and mother, and the day the child was born, and put to each letter its number as before, and to the total sum, being put together, add 25, and divide the whole by 7; and then if it be even, the child will die, but if odd, it shall live.

To know whether a person will be married.—Get a peasepod, in which are nine peas, hang the same over tho door, and take notice of the person who comes in, (who is not of the family,) and if he