Page:Mother Bunch's golden fortune-teller.pdf/16

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On Thursday,—He shall arrive at great honour and riches.

On Friday,—He shall be of a strong constitution, and perhaps lecherous.

On Saturday.—This day is a bad day, though the child may come to good: they are of a dogged disposition.


They who have their nails broad, are of a gentle disposition, bashful, and afraid of speaking before their superiors, or indeed to any without hesitation and a downcast eye.

If around the nails thero is usually an excoriation, or sprouting of tho skin, the person is luxurious, fearful, and an epicure, loving enjoyment, provided it is to be obtained without danger.

When there are certain white marks at tho|the}} end, it testifies that the person is improvident, soon ruining their fortune through negligence.

Narrow nails.—The person with such nails is desirous of attaining knowledge in the sciences; but is never at peace long with his neighbours.

When to narrowness they add some degree of length, tho person is led away by ambitious desires, aiming at things he cannot obtain, one who, having formed notions of grandeur, grasps at tho shadow while he loses the substance.

If at both ends there is a redness, or mixture of several colours, the person is choleric, and dolights in fighting.

When the end is black, the man loves agriculutre; he places happiness in mediocrity, and from