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should not be hanged; Mother Shipton, said the Duke, you said the Cardinall should never see Yorke; Yea, said shee, I said hee might see Yorke, but never come at it; But said the Duke, when he comes to Yorke thou shalt be burned; We shall see that, said shee, and plucking her Handkerchieffe off her head shee threw it into the fire, and it would not burne, then she tooke her staffe and turned it into the fire, and it would not burne, then she tooke it and put it on againe; Now (said the Duke) what meane you by this? If this had burn'd (said shee) I might have burned. Mother Shipton (quoth the Duke) what thinke you of me? My love, said she, the time will come when you will be as low as I am, and that's a low one indeed. My Lord Percy said, what say you of me? My Lord (said she) shooe your Horse in the quicke, and you shall doe well, but your body will bee buried in Yorke pavement, and your head shall be stolne from the barre and carried into France. Then said Lord Darcy, and what thinke you of me? Shee said, you have made a great Gun, shoot it off, for it