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Fairy Tales.

ladyſhip: was it? However, you may drink of it if you have a fancy"

"You are not over and above mannerly," anſwered the fairy, without putting herſelf into a paſſion; "Well then, ſince you have ſo little breeding, and are ſo very diſobliging, I give you for gift, that at every word you ſpeak, there shall come out of your mouth a ſnake or a toad." So ſoon as her mother ſaw her coming, ſhe cried out, "Well daughter"—"Well, mother," anſwered the pert huſſy, throwing out of her mouth two vipers and two toads. "O mercy!" cried the mother, "what is it I ſee? O, it is that wretch her ſiſter, who has occaſioned all this, but ſhe ſhall pay for it;" and immediately ſhe ran to beat her. The poor child fled away from her, and went to hide herſelf in the foreſt not far from thence. The king's ſon, then on his return from hunting, met her, and ſeeing her very pretty, aſked her, "What ſhe did there alone, and why ſhe cried?" "Alas, Sir, my mamma has turned me out of doors."—The king's ſon, who ſaw five or ſix pearls, and as many diamonds come out of her mouth, deſired her to tell him how that happened. She thereupon told him the whole ſtory, and ſo the king's ſon fell iu love with her, and conſidering with himſelf that ſuch a gift was worth more than any marriage-portion whatſoever in another, conducted her to the palace of the king his father, and there married her.

As for her ſiſter, ſhe made herſelf ſo much hated, that her own mother turned her off; and the miſerable wretch having wandered about a good while, without finding any body to take her in, went to a corner in a wood, and there died.



J. Neilson, printer.