Page:Motoring Magazine and Motor Life December 1913.djvu/13

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��How enterprising dealers are enjoying year Vound profits

MR. Gasoline Car Dealer, why let the stack of dollars you have already earned, dwindle— sinr»ply to keep up your organ- ization—waiting for the "season?" Think what other dealers are doing; how their business is kept booming; and profits kept coming in month after month ! THEY have taken time by the forelock— THEY are selling electrics— and are enjoying splendid, steady incomes. Now. right now. YOU have the chance to do EVEN BETTER; for, dealer territory for the BORLAND ELECTRIC is open-the BORLAND ELECTRIC, the most extensively advertised electric on the nriarket today.

'^The car with the clean-cut thoroughbred air

���5-passenger coupe; 7-passenger limou- sine; open body, wheel steer roadster

Why not strike now while the iron is hot? Mold the pros-

pects, our national advertising is creating, into prospects for you Thmk how gratifying it will be to your own oank account to get outside assistance like the sales of BORLAND ELECTRICS will give. Cash-in on this opportunity NOW. The BORLAND ELECTRIC is the car with ALL the BEST features; backed by financial strength many a bank would envy; thoroughly, sturdily built and graceful of line and design. The car that's easy to sell and certain to satisfy.


��Extra roomy flve-passenger. coupe bod^': wheel base 96 inches; left side drive with horizontal lever control rrom either front or rear seat: six speeds forward and three rev. rse Autoinatic cut-out disconnects pcwer

,,^ when emereency brake is applied. Regular equipment

AND EQUIPMENT includes **£xiOe" batteries; standard mpkes or cush- ^ sion or "special pneumatic electric tires; Klaxet Hcrr :

"Hull" silk umbrella; non-skid chains; etc.

��Dealer Territory Still Open

Sales rights for the BORLAND ELECTRIC in the stales of California. Nevada Arizona. Oregon. \X/ashington, end Idaho, also in British Columbia are under the direction of Henry L. Hornberger. Dealers will find it profitable to caL and see the BORLAND ELECTRIC car; or, write or wire the address below for particulars of liberal dealers" proposition.

Henry L. Hornberger

Pacific Coast Station


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