Page:Motoring Magazine and Motor Life February 1915.djvu/24

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February. 1915.

New Rules For Yosemite Valley

More Privileges to be Granted the Motorists Driving Into This Government Reservation

"See California first" is the slogan of David A. Curry, who is touring the State lecturing and showing moving pictures of the Yosemite and the High Sierras.

Curry is preaching the need of better roads into the valley and more roads through this Switzerland of America, the High Sierras.

It was Curry who first gave out the news that there would be only eleven rules for motorists in the Yosemite this year, instead of sixty, as in 1914, according to a writer in the Los Angeles Examiner.

"Every Californian and every visitor should see the Yosemite and the High Sierras," said Curry, "and I believe it is the desire of the people. The pictures I am showing are enthusiastically received everywhere, and when I announced that I would talk at length on automobile roads into the valley the Mozart Theatre would not hold the people. This should be the greatest year this wonderful pleasure ground has ever known.

Interest in Curry's lecture has been so keen the pictures will be continued for a longer time. The complete set of automobile rules for 1915 are as follows:

1. Motorcycles are not permitted to enter the park.

2. Permits.—Automobiles traveling within the metes and bounds of Yosemite National Park will be required to secure a permit from the acting superintendent on arrival at Yosemite, California.

3. Tickets of Passage.—Tickets of passage must be secured from the first ranger station over the road by which the automobile enters the park, payment for which will be made upon presentation of application for permit with fee at Yosemite, as outlined in paragraph 4. This ticket must be conveniently kept, so that it can be exhibited to proper park officers on demand, and, with the permit, must be surrendered to the last ranger station on leaving the park. Automobiles that enter the park and do not come to Yosemite Village to secure a permit, will make payment of $5 in cash to the last ranger station on leaving the park.

4. Application and Fee.—Application for permit must show (a) name of owner, (b) license number of automobile, (c) name of driver, (d) number of passengers, (e) and be accompanied by a fee of $5 for a single round trip in and out of the park, payable in cash or money order upon arrival at paying station. Checks will not be accepted. An additional fee of $1 will be collected from automobiles entering the Mariposa Big Trees.

5. Floor of the Valley.—Motoring on the floor of the Yosemite Valley, except for ingress and egress, is not permitted. Muffler cut-outs must be closed while using automobiles on the floor of the Yosemite Valley.

6. Distance Apart. Gears and Brakes.—Automobiles while in motion must not be less than 100 yards apart. All automobiles, except while shifting gears, must retain their gears constantly in mesh. Every person presenting an automobile for admission to the park will be required to satisfy the guard issuing the ticket of passage that the brakes of his automobile are in first class working order, and for this purpose all automobilists will be required to effectually block and skid the rear wheels with either foot or hand brake, or such other brakes as may be a part of the equipment of the automobile.

7. Speeds.—Speeds must be limited to six (6) miles per hour in descending steep grades. In ascending, the speed must not exceed nine (9) miles per hour. On good roads with straight stretches, when approaching teams may be visible, the speed may be increased to twelve (12) miles per hour, but in no case must it exceed fifteen (15) miles per hour.

8. Teams.—When teams, saddle horses or pack trains approach, automobiles will take position on outer edge of roadway, regardless of the direction in which they may be going, taking care that sufficient room is left on the inside for the passage of vehicles and animals. Teams have the right of way and automobiles will be backed or otherwise handled as may be necessary so as to enable teams to pass with safety. Automobiles will stop when teams approach and remain at rest until teams have passed or until the person in charge of the animals is satisfied regarding their safety. If the approaching animals manifest signs of fear, the motor must be stopped and such assistance given by the automobile driver as may be necessary. Signal with horn will be given at or near every turn in the road to announce to drivers of approaching teams or animals the proximity of an automobile.

9. Route of Departure.—Checking Watches—Automobiles leaving the park may go by any one of the authorized routes of entrance. Automobile drivers should compare their watches with the clocks at checking stations.

10. Fines.—Fines or other punishment will be imposed for arrival of automobiles at any point before approved lapse of time, hereafter given, at the following rates: Fifty cents per minute for each of first five minutes; $1 per minute for each of the next twenty minutes; $25 fine or ejection from the park, or both, in the discretion of the supervisor of the park, for being more than twenty-five minutes early.

11. Penalties.—Violation of any of the foregoing rules or general regulations for government of the park will cause revocation of permit, and in addition to the penalties hereinbefore indicated, will subject the owner of the automobile to any damages occasioned thereby, ejectment from the reservation, and be cause for refusal to issue new permit to the owner without prior sanction in writing from the Secretary of the Interior.

Schedules and Instructions Over Coulterville Road.—Time of arrival and departure. Automobiles may leave the Merced Big Tree Grove Outpost for Yosemite between the hours of 7:00 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Automobiles leaving the park via the Coulterville road must start from Yosemite Village between the hours of 6:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Automobiles using the Coulterville road may go and come by the Coulterville grade. Automobiles entering must proceed via the Pohono Bridge, Camp Ahwahnee, Yosemite Village, Sentinel Hotel, Camp Curry, Stoneman Bridge, to garage. Camp Lost Arrow, or to the public automobile camping ground, and may leave in the reverse order.

Over Wawona Road.—Time of arrival and departure. Automobiles must leave Wawona for Yosemite or Glacier Point