By using an ordinary tire valve cap attached to a string one can obtain enough gasoline from the tank for priming purposes. Quite often there is no drain cock on the gasoline pipe line for this purpose.
Occasionally when an engine gives symptoms of coming to a halt because of shortage of fuel, it can be induced to fire long enough to reach a supply station by violently jouncing the car on its springs — the theory being that a small quantity of fuel may remain in one part of the tank lower than the outlet to the carburetor. This is particularly true of force feed systems where the outlet projects for some little distance up from the bottom of the tank.
Life of a Car.
The life of a car is entirely in the hands of its driver. To prolong the life of the car is or should be the object of every driver, and to do this few things are so important as the proper manipulation of the clutch. A clutch should engage gradually; that is, it should not take up with a jerk; but should impart the motion of the motor to the car gradually, so that there are no undue strains upon the driving mechanism.
Care of Tires in Rain.
When driving in the rain particular care should be exercised to avoid scoring the tires. In dry weather the rubber of the tire treads is able to resist cutting, even when rolling over very sharp edges of stone, but when wet it yields far more quickly, exactly as it does to a knife blade that has been moistened. For this reason it is well to form the habit of coasting over gravel patches whenever possible, but particularly during wet weather.
Safe Fastener for Chains.
A rather long hook on the inside chain, and a small but good padlock on the outside chain, will fasten an anti-skid chain on the wheel, so that there is no danger of its coming off in use and either winding around the brake drum or being lost on the road. Releasing the padlock will allow enough slack of the inside chain so that the long hook may be unfastened.
"The Finest and The Best"
Gentle but steady frictional resistance' is the only right principle of spring control. Full play but not free play.
The Triffault-Hartford is the only device of its kind which insures easy riding with the unquestionable certainty of proven mechanical principles "Talking points" may attract the uninformed but there can he only one right mechani at principle—which any
competent engineer will tell you is that on which the Truffault-Hartford is constructed.
In proof—no less than twenty-five of the country's leading cars now make the Truffault-Hartford part of their standard equipment. Make it part of yours.
Four models, $16, $35, $50, S60. Any car. Get our Catalog—today.
Insist Upon Truffault-Hartfords on Your New Car
Office and Works: 174 Bay St., Jersey City, N.J.
Manufacturers of Hartford Electric Starting and Lighting System
Portland Oakland Los Angeles Seattle San Francisco Spokane Fresno
Los Angeles
San Francisco
AUTOMOBILES AND TOURISTS’ BAGAGE INSURED AGAINST Fire, Theft, and Transportation While anywhere in the United States, Canada, or Europe
PACIFIC BRANCH–301 California Street
San Francisco
Telephone Sutter 3010
Tips to Automobilists
The News Letter recommends the following garages, hotels, and supply houses. Tourists will do well to cut this list out and keep it as a guide:
Milpitas.–Auto Supplies. Electric welding. Complete machine shop. Expert mechanics. Spangler Brothers. Tel. San Jose 2603—R
Palo Alto.–Larkin’s Cafe–just opened. The only strictly first-class cafe on the Wishbone Route devoted to the patronage of automobile owners and their families. Corner of University avenue and The Circle.
San Jose.–Lamolle Grill. 36–38 North First street. The best French dinner in California. 75 cents, or a la carte. Automobile parties given particular attention.
Palo Alto.–Palo Alto Garage. 443 Emmerson St., Tel., P. A. 333. Auto livery at all hours. Tires and sundries in stock. Gasoline, oil, repairing, lathework, vulcanizing. Open day and night.
Santa Cruz.–Beach Hill. IN. the only hotel open the year around in beautiful Santa Cruz. Play golf at Casa Del Rey Links. New Fisherman's Wharf open December 1st.
North Side
Most Modern Fireproof Auto Hostelry on the Pacific Coast
1 Block from Olympic and Bohemian Club—2 Blocks from St. Frances Hotel Innovations of Service—Many Distinct Advantages—Electric Auto Re Charging—Supplies—Accessories—Handsome Reception Parlors for Ladies and Gentle men—Chauffeurs' Reading Room—Free Safe Deposit Boxes.
Special Service Attention to Ladies
Garage Phone—Main Line, Franklin 224
Public Pay Station—Sound-Proof Booth. Franklin 347
Telegraph and Messenger Service
We Make a Specialty of Repairing Auto Lamps, Radiators, and Fenders at Short Notice PHONE MARKET 751
Manufacturers of lamps, lanterns, reflectors of all Descriptions. METAL SPINNING