Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/132

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thick. The sill is of such a height that if the tank or tanks were to leak, and let out the whole of the liquid, it would still be retained within the house. In order that this sill should not be inconveniently high the floor is sunk. In the case referred to the sill is about six inches high, and this floor tank, so to speak, is almost filled with sand to act as an absorbent. There are two closed tanks, each of which holds 300 gallons. The inlets and outlets of each tank are arranged thus: a pipe issues from the bottom of the tank with a stopcock, and is

Fig. 4. — Benzine House

only used for emptying the tank completely and removing the dregs. Another tap is placed six inches from the bottom, and is the one used to draw from. Another pipe with a stopcock is inserted three inches from the bottom and at the side, to carry the gauge-tube. The gauge-glass has a scale by the side of it marked off in gallons and litres. Close to the top of the tank is a large hole with screwed plug. Into this is screwed a pipe which carries a suitable funnel for filling. There is also a small tap inserted at a suitable height, attached to