Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/363

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the engine has unaccountably stopped, and after some searching they have found that the petrol was not turned on.

The troubles in regard to the starting, &c. of the engine are dealt with in the chapter on the Petrol Motor.

Lubrication. Although perhaps this subject is hardly one which should be dealt with in this chapter, it is of such great importance to ensure the successful running of the car that it cannot be dwelt upon too much. Lubrication above all things spells life to the motor-car, and the lack of it must result sooner or later in disaster. Therefore see before starting for a drive that all the bearings of the car are properly lubricated, and also be sure during the drive that the lubricator to the engine is working satisfactorily.

After having been for a drive or having the engine running, the next thing to do is to go through another set of regular functions which should always take place before putting the car away. Turn off electric current, or if lamp ignition, blow out lamps, and after a few minutes turn off petrol to the lamps; turn off main petrol to carburetter, turn off lubricators, and then have the engine turned smartly by hand and a little paraffin pumped into the cylinders from the pump provided for this purpose. This is to ensure that the piston rings shall not become gummy or sticky, and it is a great point in assisting the engine to start easily next time.

Driving Backwards.—After having conquered all the initial difficulties in regard to steering, changing speed, application of brakes, &c., it would be well for the novice to start learning to steer and drive the car with the speed lever in the reverse.

There are comparatively few men who can drive backwards safely and well, but the importance of being able to do this must be very apparent. When driving in traffic it is a very common thing for the vehicle in front to back, and in this event it must be the work of a moment to slip the speed lever into the reverse notch and run back out of danger. To turn in a narrow road where the reverse is required also calls for some knowledge of handling the car when running backwards,