Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/459

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abode or business, and in every such case and in the case of every light locomotive weighing unladen one ton and a half or upwards, the weight of the light locomotive unladen shall be painted in one or more straight lines upon some conspicuous part of the right or off side of the light locomotive in large legible letters in white upon black or black upon white, not less than one inch in height.

Not to be in a Dangerous Condition.—7. The light locomotive and all fittings thereof shall be in such a condition as not to cause, or to be likely to cause, danger to any person on the light locomotive or on any highway.

Competent Person in Charge.—8. There shall be in charge of the light locomotive when used on any highway a person competent to control and direct its use and movement.

Lamps.—9. The lamp to be carried attached to the light locomotive in pursuance of Section 2 of the Act shall be so constructed and placed as to exhibit, during the period between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, a white light visible within a reasonable distance in the direction towards which the light locomotive is proceeding or is intended to proceed, and to exhibit a red light so visible in the reverse direction. The lamp shall be placed on the extreme right or off side of the light locomotive in such a position as to be free from all obstruction to the light.

Provided that this regulation shall not extend to any bicycle, tricycle, or other machine to which Section 85 of the Local Government Act, 1888, applies.

Article III.—No person shall cause or permit a light locomotive to be used on any highway for the purpose of drawing any vehicle, or shall drive or have charge of a light locomotive when used for such purpose unless the conditions hereinafter set forth shall be satisfied, namely,—

1. Regulations 2, 3, 5, and 7 of Article II. of this Order shall apply as if the vehicle drawn by the light locomotive was therein referred to instead of the light locomotive itself, and Regulation 6 of the Article shall apply as if such vehicle was a light locomotive constructed for the carriage of goods.

Brakes on Trailers.—2. The vehicle drawn by the light locomotive, except where the light locomotive travels at a rate not exceeding four miles an hour, shall have a brake, in good working order, of such efficiency that its application to the vehicle shall cause two of the wheels of the vehicle on the same axle to be so held that the wheels shall be effectually prevented from revolving, or shall have the same effect in stopping the vehicle as if such wheels were so held.

Application of Brakes on Trailers.—3. The vehicle drawn by the light locomotive shall, when under the last preceding regulation a brake is required to be attached thereto, carry upon the vehicle a person competent to apply efficiently the brake: Provided that it shall not be necessary to comply with this regulation if the brakes upon the light locomotive by which the vehicle is drawn are so constructed and arranged that neither of such brakes can be used without bringing into action simultaneously the brake attached to the vehicle drawn, or if the brake of the vehicle drawn can be applied from the light locomotive independently of the brakes of the latter.

Article IV.—Every person driving or in charge of a light locomotive when used on any highway shall comply with the regulations hereinafter set forth, namely,—

Speed, Reasonable and Proper.—(1.) He shall not drive the light locomotive at any speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic on the highway, or so as to endanger the life or limb of any person, or to the common danger of passengers.

Speed Limits.—(2.) He shall not under any circumstances drive the light locomotive at a greater speed than twelve miles an hour. If the weight unladen of the light locomotive is one ton and a half and does not exceed two tons, he shall not drive the same at a greater speed than eight miles an hour, or if such weight exceeds two tons, at a greater speed than five miles an hour.