Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/491

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  • Gauges, water and pressure, for boilers of steam cars, 261
  • German terms used in automobilism, 418 et seq.
  • Giffard, M. Pierre, organiser of the first meeting of automobile vehicles, 8
  • Glasgow, trials of motors at, 406
  • Glengarry caps for ladies motoring, 69
  • Glossary of terms used in automobilism, in French, German, and English, 418-438
  • Gloves for motoring, 77
  • Goggles for motoring, 77, 81
  • Goodyear pneumatic tyre, the, 238
  • Gordon Bennett, Mr., 11; cup, 39, 404
  • Gorham v. Brice case, the, cited, 379
  • Governing, systems of: petrol cars, 120 et seq.; electric cars, 295
  • Griffiths' enamels for motor carriages, 93; transparent varnish, 93
  • 'Guide Michelin,' the, 226
  • Gurney, Mr., trial trip in his steam carriage, 4; heavy tolls paid by him, 5
  • Hammersmith Broadway, 351 Hancock, Mr., steam carriage of, 3, 4; improvement on Gurney's carriage, 6
  • Hancock wood wheels, 223
  • Harrow, brake accident on a hill near, 334
  • Hats for motoring, 76
  • Health, influence of motoring on, 79; invigoration of nerve power, 80; insomnia mitigated, 80; beneficial effects of country trips on the brain-weary, 81; physical exercise to be maintained in conjunctioned with motor riding, 79, 81; preservation of the eyes, 81, 82; warm clothing to be used, 82
  • Heating apparatus for motor-houses, 96
  • Highway improvements, 350-354
  • Hill-climbing tests for motors, 57-62
  • Holden, Lt.-Col., his motor bicycle, 184, 313
  • 'Horseless Age,' the, 399
  • Horses, motor-fright of, 356; grown used to bicyclists, 356; want of consideration of automobilists to drivers of horses, 356; law compelling motor-drivers to stop when required by man in charge of restive horse, 357; training horses to meet motors, 358, 359; relationship between motor-owners and horse-owners, 359; rule of the road, 359
  • House of Commons Select Committee (1831) report on automobile locomotion, 3-6 House steam car, the, 268
  • Humber motor bicycle, the, 316
  • Hutchinson, Mr., quoted, 373, 374
  • Hutton, Mr., his narrow escape through brake failure, 219
  • Ignition in petrol engines, 138; by a hot platinum tube