Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/493

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  • while driving, 204; two road experiences, 370, 371
  • Keith's heating apparatus for motor-houses, 96
  • Kellner, M., designer of touring landaulet with Serpollet boiler, 52, 53
  • Kelly automatic fire regulator, the, fitted to the Milwaukee burner, 248
  • Kennard, Mrs. Coleridge, her anecdote of a parson motorist, 369
  • Klinger water gauge, the, for boilers of steam cars, 261
  • Koosen, Mr. J. A., his Lutzmann car, 21; experiences with it, 364-366; at the Imperial Institute, 368
  • Koosen, Mrs., diary of her experiences with a motor, 364-366; at the Imperial Institute, 368
  • Krièger electric cars, the, 284, 286, 297, 301
  • 'La France Automobile,' 399
  • Lamps, electric and safety-benzine, for motor-houses, 87; management of, when night-driving, 339; regulations concerning, 409, 413
  • Lankensperger, M., inventor of the Ackerman axle, 212
  • L'Auto-Vélo,' 399
  • Law, points of, affecting motor-owners, 378; question of speed, 378; driver's limitations, 378, 379; vehicles drawing another, 380; light, 380; tax on motor mechanics, 380; taxes on various motors, 380, 381; non-liability of masters to drivers under Workmen's Compensation Acts, 381; accidents, 382; wilful obstruction of highway, 382; proposed changes in highways regulation, 382, 383; appeal on questions of fact from the decisions of justices of peace, 383; the Light Locomotives Act of 1896, 409-411; the existing Local Government Board Regulations, 411-417; regulation, affecting petroleum spirit, 414-417
  • 'Le Vélo,' 399
  • Lefevre, Mr. Shaw, and the Light Locomotives Act, 23, 362
  • Leicester, motor demonstration at (1901), 385
  • Leitner accumulators for electric cars, 301
  • Levassor, M., winner of the Paris to Bordeaux race of 1895, 12, 13, 14. See Panhard and Levassor
  • Lévy, M. Michel, Engineer-in-Chief of Bridges and Roads, France, 11
  • Licences for motor cycles, 312
  • Lifu Company's passenger brakes, 218
  • Light Locomotives Act of 1896, 23, 312, 378, 381, 386; copy of the Act, 409-411
  • Lighting burners on steam cars, 246
  • Literature, automobile, 397-400