Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/110

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night. The weather was calmer now than at any time since the storms began that had caused the flood. The sun shone through the clouds a little, as it set. Blake and Joe, on the after deck of the motor boat, looked about them. On all sides stretched a vast extent of waters. They had driven a stake in near shore, and watched it to note the rise of the river. It was very slight now.

"Say!" exclaimed Blake, as he glanced over toward the upside-down house, "let's go over there and look inside. Maybe we can find something of value, that we might save for the owners."

"I'm with you," agreed Joe. Mr. Ringold offered no objection, and, after casting off the line, the motor boat was started up, proceeding slowly to the side of the overturned dwelling. The craft was then made fast to a hook in one corner.

"Let's go in," proposed Blake, when they had gazed through a window for a moment, not being able, however, to distinguish much.

"How do you act in an upside-down house?" asked Joe.

"You have to walk on the ceiling, of course," answered his chum. "The ceiling is the floor and the floor the ceiling. Come on."

They crawled in through a window. As Blake