Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/149

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For a moment there was the utmost confusion aboard the craft. The words of Blake, the sudden motion as the rope broke, the tossing and pitching, as the boat was borne on the crest of the flood, seemed to deprive them all of the ability to act.

Blake himself had nearly been carried overboard, so suddenly did the cable part, but he managed to grasp a rail and so saved himself.

"Can you see anything?" yelled Mr. Ringold, as he was struggling into his raincoat.

"Only when it lightens," answered Blake. "It's a fierce storm, all right."

The others came out on deck, and, as flash succeeded flash, they viewed the mad scene all about them.

On raced the motor boat, a frail thing indeed in that wild waste of waters.

"We've got to start the engine!" yelled Mr.