Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/164

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we take the boat down stream a short distance. I want to get nearer to the piles of cotton, so they will show up well on the screen."

"All right. I can work the boat, and you can manage the camera."

Mr. Ringold and the actor were up in the town, but the manager had told the boys they might move the boat about as they pleased in getting pictures.

Accordingly Joe cast off the line, started the motor and headed the craft nearer to the cotton wharf.

"Hold her there now!" cried Blake, as he took a position at the bow with the camera.

He was grinding away at the handle, paying no attention to the boat, or river, when suddenly a swirl of the current carried a big log directly against the bow of the craft. She was being headed slowly up stream, Joe working the motor only fast enough to maintain a slight headway.

There came a jar that shook the Clytie from stem to stern.

"Look out!" yelled Joe to Blake, but the warning came too late. The young moving picture operator shot overboard, into the muddy water, the camera clattering to the deck behind him.