Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/169

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graphs of the colored pictures, looking at them interestedly.

"Would you like to go in? What time does the show start?" asked Blake, handing the boy a dime, which he took eagerly, and wonderingly.

"Would I like to go in, mister? Well, I guess I would. But they ain't givin' no shows while the river's risin'. Nobody comes and the feller what runs the place says it don't pay him to open. But I saw them pictures," and he nodded at the ones showing a volcano in eruption, and the ground quaking—views that Blake and Joe had taken at a great personal risk.

"How'd you like 'em?" asked Joe, winking at Blake over the lad's head.

"Say, they was the bulliest pictures ever I see, and I go to all the shows when I can!" he cried with enthusiasm. "They was certainly some pictures, believe me! I would like to have been there myself, only not too close," he added, with caution. "The fellers who took them movies sure must have had nerve. I'd like to meet 'em."

"We took those pictures," said Blake, suddenly.

The lad looked at him for a moment. Then a curious look came over his face.

"Say!" he remarked in withering tones, "I'm much obliged to you for the dime—I sure am,