Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/177

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"We're sinking!"

"Get out the life preservers!"

"Save the films and cameras!"

"And grab something to eat! Don't forget that!"

Thus cried those aboard the Clytie, for it was evident that the stanch craft had made her last voyage. She was careened at a dangerous angle, and her motor had stopped.

"The raft ripped a big hole in the bow!" shouted Mr. Ringold, who, with Blake, had been thrown against the side of the pilot house, and was somewhat stunned by the shock.

"Are we sinking?" asked Joe.

"No, but it is only a question of a few minutes. We must save ourselves."

"And our outfit—if we can," said Joe. "What shall we do?"

A hasty examination showed that the jagged