Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/18

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"Don't know a thing about it. Who can want us on the 'phone?"

"Best way's to go and find out. Mighty queer, though, that just as we read of the Mississippi flood, and decide to go, someone should ring us up on long distance. I thought we got rid of all that when we came here for our vacation. Things have started with a rush."

"Say, are you comin'?" demanded the store clerk. "Central has been ringin' like all possessed! Must be important!"

"I guess it is, or they wouldn't telephone," murmured Blake.

"We're coming!" cried Joe.

Together the boys hurried out into the road, and turned down toward the store.

There were not many telephones in the country village of Central Falls. They were considered too much of a luxury. But Hank Robertson was rather progressive, and had had a long distance instrument installed in his store some time before.

"There you be, boys!" he said, as Joe and Blake entered. "I knew as soon as I heard the bell ring that it was long distance. I answered, and sent Harry out to call you."

"Much obliged," spoke Blake. "Do you know who it is?"