Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/209

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"There!" cried Birdie Lee. "I knew we left those biscuits behind. We must have dropped them when we moved our camp. And I did so want them with the canned clam chowder."

"Clam chowder!" cried Joe. "Say, where is it? I'll eat the can itself!"

"But where did you come from? How did you get here?" asked Mr. Levinberg.

"Let's feed them first, and have explanations afterward," suggested Birdie Lee, as she clasped a hand each, of Blake and Joe. "Oh, we are so glad to see you!" she cried, impulsively.

"Just a word of explanation!" begged Mr. Ringold. "I can't understand this. How did you folks get here? We've been looking for you all along the river."

"We hoped somebody would come for us," said Miss Shay. "Have you a boat so you can take us to shore?"

"A boat? No!" cried Blake. "Our motor boat was hit by a raft and sunk, and then the raft hit this island and went to pieces. We're stranded. Haven't you folks a boat?"

"Not a boat," said Mr. Robertson, with a shake of his head. "We're marooned on the island."

"Come on! I'm sure they must be starved!" laughed Birdie Lee. "Feed them first, and talk