Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/219

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rent, was a big boat—a steamer—from the funnels of which belched black smoke.

"Wave something!"

"Call to them!"

"Make them hear us!"

"Show a signal!"

Thus cried the refugees, as they saw help approaching. In another instant the boys and men raised their voices in a united shout, and coats and caps were frantically waved to attract the attention of the pilot of the vessel.

"He sees us! He's coming!" cried Blake, joyfully.

"And just about in time, too," added Joe, for the water was creeping higher and higher.

With loud blasts of the whistle the pilot indicated that he had seen the signals of distress, and was coming to the rescue. In quick time a small boat was lowered, and a few minutes later the refugees were safe on board the steamer, which proved to be a government boat, sent out to aid in the rescue work.

"And we've saved our films and cameras, too!" cried Joe, for the moving picture apparatus, as well as some of the personal effects of the stranded ones, had been brought away from the summit of the island, which alone was out of water, now.