Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/37

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"Here, where are you going?" cried a station-attendant, as he saw Blake running to board the moving train.

"Forgot something—got to get it!" shouted the excited lad. Then, before the man could prevent him, Blake had jumped up the steps. Back he rushed to where his own and Joe's baggage had been left.

"Look after our stuff, C. C.!" he called to the startled comedian. "We're after a fire—moving picture. Tell Mr. Ringold we'll be down later this evening!"

Then, without giving Mr. Piper a chance to answer, Blake caught up the valise containing the small moving picture camera, and was out on the platform again.

"Look out for yourself!" cried Joe, for the train now had considerable headway.

"All right," answered his chum, and a moment later he was beside Joe, running from the momentum acquired in leaping off the train.