Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/40

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a minute ago, and decided on that place, and now I want it."

"Well, you're not going to get it!" declared Blake, firmly. "If you were here you should have stayed," and the young operator started the mechanism of his apparatus, by turning the handle.

"I had to leave, to get some extra film!" Munson cried. "I want you to come away—come down and let me get up there!"

"Nothing doing," spoke Blake. "You should have left your machine here, to show that the pedestal was occupied. I don't believe you were here, and as I'm here first I'm going to stay!"

"Oh, you are; eh? We'll see about that!" cried Munson, as he worked his way through the crowd, carrying his camera with him.

Blake thought little more about the fellow, for he was too much occupied in getting views of the burning building, and the thrilling rescues that were made from time to time. Firemen went rapidly up, from window to window, by means of the hooked scaling ladders, leaping into the burning building in search of persons in danger.

Other firemen carried down unconscious forms, and still others were engaged in the less