Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/45

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ten o'clock, and we haven't had supper yet."

"That's right!" cried Joe. "I forgot all about it."

"My stomach didn't," laughed Blake.

An hour later, after a hasty meal, they reached the office of Mr. Ringold, whom they found talking to Mr. Piper.

"I was just going to telephone around, and get the police on your trail," said the gloomy comedian. "I was afraid something had happened to you. Did there?"

"Oh, nothing much," spoke Joe, with a smile. "But what is the news, Mr. Ringold? Have you heard any word from any of your people in the flooded district?"

"No, I haven't, I'm sorry to say, though I've tried all the means in my power. It is almost impossible to get messages through, and receive a reply. The wires are nearly all down. The only way is for us to go out there. I'm glad you boys came on."

"We started as soon as we could," explained Blake. "I guess Mr. Piper told you how we stopped to film the fire; didn't he?"

"Yes," replied the film theatrical manager. "And now, how soon can you start for the flooded district?"

"Just as soon as we can get our cameras