Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/49

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very anxious to know where we were going."

"Is that so?" asked Mr. Ringold, and he seemed unusually interested. "What sort of looking chaps were they?"

The actor described them. Blake and Joe looked at each other quickly.

"I don't seem to recognize them as friends of mine," went on the manager, musingly.

"I should say not!" cried Blake. "Certainly not friends! Say, I'm sure those men were James Munson, and one of his tools, Jake Black. They made a lot of trouble for us, and at the fire, last night, Munson and I had an argument. Do you think they can be following us?"

"It's just as well to be on the safe side," said Mr. Ringold. "Suppose you boys take a look through the train, and see if you can pick them out. I don't like the idea of being followed by a rival moving picture man, when I may have a chance to get some exclusive, and valuable films."

Blake and Joe each went through half the train, but they saw no signs of Munson, or his crony. The boys even penetrated to the smoking car, where the two suspects would probably stay, but they were not there.

"False alarm, I guess," reported Blake, when he and Joe had completed their search.

"Well, they were hanging around, all right,"