Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/67

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"You're always looking on the dark side of things," went on the doctor, "and that shows your liver is affected. One bottle of my celebrated revivifier will make you look at things through rose-colored spectacles. Don't take my word for it, though. Take the medicine."

"All right," agreed Mr. Piper, while the boys and Mr. Ringold smiled in appreciation of the joke. "I'll take some later," and he laid the bottle aside. The doctor turned away, apparantly satisfied, and a little later Mr. Piper began telling to Joe and Blake one of the many humorous stories for which he had been famous while on the vaudeville stage, before taking up moving picture work.

He brought the tale to an end, amid laughter from the boys, and the doctor, hearing, turned around.

"That's more like it," he said, casting a glance of approval at C. C. Piper. "I knew you'd feel happier after one dose of my liver revivifier."

"But I didn't take it!" said the actor. "Though I'm going to!" he added quickly, as he noted the look on the other's face. "I'm sure it's good," he said, and then, when Blake told the medical man that it was only C. C. Piper's invariable habit to look on the gloomy side, even while cracking a joke, the patentee of