Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/69

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The boys looked out on a big stretch of muddy water, in which numerous trees, and other debris, could be seen floating. The current seemed sluggish enough, though doubtless it moved with considerable power. Now and then small buildings could be noted in the yellow water, having been carried down from some farms further up stream.

"There goes a house!" exclaimed Mr. Ringold, who was at the adjoining window. "Say boys, this surely is serious!"

The house, a small one, was turning slowly about in the current.

"Say, I wish we could get some pictures," murmured Blake.

"You'll have enough chance to get them later," spoke a brakeman, going through the car. "You haven't begun to see things yet!"

"Are they very bad?" asked Joe.

"I should say so! I doubt if we can get in. The river has gone up two feet since yesterday, and it's still rising."

"You mean we won't get into Hannibal?" asked Blake.

"That's about it. I don't see how we're going on much farther. The track just ahead of us was on the edge of the water last night, so I heard, and it's bound to be covered now. There are a