Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/71

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was adding its waters to those of the big river.

There was scarcely any sound to be heard, save the splatter of the rain, the river not rushing along with a roar, as flooded streams sometimes do. But that there was terrible power in this silent current could not be doubted. And much debris was being carried along in the muddy waters.

"What is it?" asked Mr, Ringold, as he came up to join the boys. They pointed to where the bridge had been swept away.

"Well, we'll have to get a boat, to take us on to Hannibal, I guess," said the manager, always practical in an emergency. "Can we get one around here?" he asked of the flagman.

"The railroad has sent for a tug to take the passengers on to the city," the man answered. "I expect she'll be here soon."

"Come on, we'll get our stuff together," said Mr. Ringold. "I'm anxious to get to the city and make some inquiries for the lost ones."