Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/76

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"Some power to this current," remarked Joe, as he and Blake, having stowed aboard their baggage and cameras, stood at the rail, looking over the side.

"Wait until you get on the Mississippi," remarked a deck hand. "Then you'll see some water."

And the boys did. As they emerged around a bend in the high banks, they had a good view of the Father of Waters as it swept on. It was almost terrifying, and the tug, though extra steam was put on, was barely able to make headway.

"It's getting worse every minute!" the captain murmured. "I don't know what we'll do if this keeps on!"

It was not far, from where the train was stalled, to Hannibal, but the tug was over an hour in making it. The lower part of the town near the river bottom, was under water, but the residential section had, so far, escaped, being built back on high ground.

"Now I'll go back after the others," said the captain, when he had made a landing, not without some difficulty, at a temporary dock.

"And we'll see if we can get into a hotel," suggested Mr. Ringold, "though I guess most of them will be over-crowded."

This was found to be the case. Many persons