Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/100

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none of the clerks could tell them what they wanted to know. They were directed to return the next day.

"More disappointment!" exclaimed Joe. "It does seem as if I was up against it, Blake."

"Oh, don't worry. To-morrow will do just as well as to-day. And you don't want to get in C. C.'s habit, you know."

"No, that's right. Well, what shall we do?"

"Let's look around a bit, and then go see how the camera is working."

They found so much to interest them in the streets of San Francisco that they did not go back to the hotel as soon as they had intended. When they did reach the street on which it stood they saw a crowd gathered.

"Look at that!" cried Blake.

"Yes! Maybe it's a fire!" exclaimed Joe. "Our camera——"

"There's no fire, or else we'd see some smoke," answered his chum. "But we'll see what it is. There's been some sort of an accident, that's sure."

They broke into a run, pushing their way through the throng about the front doors of the hotel. As they entered the lobby, they were surprised to see the clerk point his finger at them, and exclaim: